Bronx Masquerade is about a class of students who are learning about the Harlem Renaissance, which means learning about poetry. One of the characters, Wesley Boone, writes a poem and reads it to the class. One by one, all of the other students start to write their poems about all of the things that they are going through. And there are a ton of different characters.

One of the things that I have noticed about all of the characters is that they have something to hide from the rest of the students, and they usually put those secrets into poetry. For example, Devon. Devon is a student who is expected to play basketball, just because he is tall. But, he loves books. His brothers make fun of him for liking books and poetry, so he hides it from everyone. This poetry assignment, he said, was an excuse to carry around books of poetry and go to the library. In his poem, he says, "...theres more to Devon than jump shot and rim. I'm more than tall and lengthy of limb. I dare you to peep behind these eyes, discover the poet in the tough guy disguise." He is saying that there is more to him then basketball. That he is a poet, who is hiding behind a false identity.
Another character is Diondra. She is also expected to play basketball, like Devon, because she is tall. Everyone picks her for their team, but she is terrible. She is an artist, but she hides it. People already laugh at her because of her height, so she doesn't want people to make fun of her because of her art. Her dad is another person who doesn't approve of her art. He says that her height was wasted on her and wished she was born a boy. He, too, wants her to be a basketball player. In her poem, she says, "If I planted watercolor roses in your garden, would you laugh then? Or would you breathe deep and sample their scent? I wonder." I think that this means if she told people about her art and showed off her art, would people laugh at her like she thinks they will, or will they accept it and be nice to her?
I like your comparisons Sophie. I agree that one similarity all of the students share is that they're hiding something from everyone else, whether it's an insecurity or a secret passion. Good job!